
Showing posts from October, 2017

Sound: parallel and contrapuntal video feedback and learner response

WWW good use contrapuntal sound  good pace of music very good links between clips a range of clips parallel iconic music - goes well with the slow mo police song- sudden switch to contrapuntal - slick and effective sound editing.  effective clips + well packaged good transition between clips non digetic sound fitted well with the clips and pace.  EBI consider variety of different scenes / genres not just a repeated action genre transitions couldve been more smoother try add more parallel and contrapuntal aspects of the clips music couldve been more in time 

Film And TV Index

    1) Film poster analysis 2) Mise-en-scene blog tasks - 3) Star persona: video feedback and learner response -  4) Lighting blog tasks  5) Sound blog tasks 6) Sound: parallel and contrapuntal video feedback and learner response

Sound videos

Video 1 "Funny Games" the music which is being played demonstrates peace within the family and that there's no tension between each other. this also shows that theyre posh and well educated as only certain people understand what the music is saying along with it being calming.  the rock music at the end gives a twist upon the music at the start which could foreshadow violent events which could happen or extreme things which could come up. this is because rock music tends to demonstrates death harm craziness and violence. Video 2 "Clockwork Orange" i wouldnt expect this type of music would be adequate for this scene as classic music is meant to show peaceful behaviour and intelligence which contrasts with the violence of the men as theyre aggressive and violent. on the other hand, the music also causes tension as its high pitched at times which influences the violence as anything can happen and it syncs with behaviour as its a sense of danger. Video 3:   ...

Media awards task

write mini-reviews of your THREE favourite films and to post them up onto your coursework blog for the final lesson before half term (Friday 20/10). Don't forget to consider  all aspects of media language - cinematography, mise-en-scene (CLAMPS), sound, editing - using as much media terminology as possible (don't forget to highlight keywords); and also consider the film's use of genre conventions, how it will appeal to audiences (including dominant/oppositional readings), its use of narrative structure/roles, etc.  Essentially, you should be applying all you've learnt on the course so far. Click This clip had a lot of different shots to make it more creative instead of having a continuous one. for example there was over the shoulder shots, zoom ins, medium shots e.t.c. At the start of the clip before the guy falls over he clicks which is related to the title of the video creating suspicions on why he has done that certain action. This video appeals to the audie...

contrapuntal video


Lighting: still image analysis'

The lighting is low-key we can see is a light and dark affect on half of her face.. Top lighting has been used to make the actor look more glamorous because it defines her facial structure more. The smoke and the darkness gives the impression that this is a crime film and that this character might be solving something or stressing. The lighting is low-key shows her face but everything around her is in complete darkness. Top lighting is used in this shot to make the actors facial features appear more in depth and makes her look more glamorous. The darkness of the background creates mystery. High-key lighting is being used as theres no shadows so the still appears more serious. Under lighting has been used to create a shadow under his eyes making him look aggressive. We know this because part of his face appears to be darker.  Low-key lighting has been used to make shadows and to show the  contrast between dark and light. Top lighting has been used so we can identify the charact...

Film noir research

Research  film noir  - focusing on the genre’s distinctive lighting style. Make notes on the genre and particularly the use of lighting - bullet points are fine. Finally, find a  YouTube clip  that fits the film noir genre and embed it alongside your research (this can be classic noir from the 1950s or something more recent - neo-noir). How does the clip fit the noir genre? this is a crime genre meaning there will be a prop in the scene identifying something which is mysterious which will be picked up at the moment as the woman sees the large amount of money. this is also in black and white showing its made in the noir era. noir films generally tend to have lots of lowkey lighting on actors showing a lot of shade upon their faces connotes that they might have 2 sides and creates mystery. mainly the story lines for noir films are based along criminal activity such as robberies fraud murder etc. its hard to work out whos the hero in the films as most character...

Star persona video feedback and learner response

3) Now reflect on your own work. How did your star persona mood board planning help clarify and develop your ideas? my moodboard helped with concept of the makeup idea as it consists of normal makeup skills but the twist to it was a horror theme so the way the mermaid horror makeup was done we do element of that out and combined everything. 4) Thinking technically, how could you improve your work for future videos? (E.g. filming, editing, sound etc.) one way i could improve my work is by showing less negative space so theres only one focus instead of multiple things in the background. i will need to use a blank background so the model or subject is in focus. also id need to change the lighting so it isnt behind the subject but infront as itll show the subject in a brighter light and detail.i need to learn how to place better effects during my video so i xan keep it interesting throughout the whole video and doesnt get boring or drags on. i need to take the video from different angles ...

Star persona video feedback 3 videos

1) Watch three videos from the three students below you in the blog list (use the blog links to the side of the Year 12 blog). For each one, write their name, a WWW and EBI highlighting the strengths and weaknesses. BLAISE  WWW: the speed of the footage is good as it isnt too fast or slow. the fast pace instrumental syncs in with the footage and makes it exciting. the make up was good as theyve made it realistic.  EBI: there was too much negative space. the portrait capturing of the footage shoudlve been landscape. the lighting was from behind. DEANDRE  WWW: the make up was perfect and displays the theme you wanted which was a horror one. the footage is quite detailed and showed all the steps on how to get that certain look. the music wasn't too fast which made it fit in with your music as it flowed with the footage. EBI: the lighting wasnt good as it was from behind meaning it didnt show much detail.there was quite alot of negative spacing at the top ...