Sound videos

Video 1 "Funny Games"
the music which is being played demonstrates peace within the family and that there's no tension between each other. this also shows that theyre posh and well educated as only certain people understand what the music is saying along with it being calming.
 the rock music at the end gives a twist upon the music at the start which could foreshadow violent events which could happen or extreme things which could come up. this is because rock music tends to demonstrates death harm craziness and violence.

Video 2 "Clockwork Orange"
i wouldnt expect this type of music would be adequate for this scene as classic music is meant to show peaceful behaviour and intelligence which contrasts with the violence of the men as theyre aggressive and violent. on the other hand, the music also causes tension as its high pitched at times which influences the violence as anything can happen and it syncs with behaviour as its a sense of danger.

Video 3:  One Upon A Time In The West
The sounds that I heard during the extract were the rotation of the windmill which in the western days used to spin around which would then allow the water to flow to the bottom where then men and women would collect it in a bucket and use it in a variety of ways. The sound produced is diegetic sound because it is sound produced from the working world.
The sound bridge that is used in this extract is the sound of the wheel which is pushing the water. The sound of the wheel keeps going when the scene is changed.

Video 4: Once Upon A Time In America
The diegetic sound in the scene was the phone ringing as this came within the scene and it is part of what is happening. The non diegetic sound in the scene was the music being played as that is what the producer added when editing the scene o make the reader have a better experience.

 This is a scene from the film "Rocky" where he begins to train in the morning as part of his routine. The music which is used starts off low and slow and gradually builds up getting louder and faster showing his progress and motivation he has. Towards the end he reaches the top of the stairs where the music has a harmony saying strong now which relates to his fitness and his mindset. This song is quite a motivational one and syncs with the footage as its non diegtic sound making us feel as if thats what hes listening to making him achieve his goal to get to the top.


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