o some generic research on film posters. 1) List the key conventions of a film poster. title, social media, subject, reviews 2) What makes a film poster instantly recognisable? subject,title,social medias, credits, branding,stars 3) What are regarded as some of the best film posters of all time? Why? one of the best film posters of all time is jaws. this is because itshows the threat on the poster which would make the viewer wonder how they'll stop the shark or how it involves it. 4) Look back at your statement of intent. What are you planning to produce in terms of your film posters? Can you take inspiration from your research above? to demonstrate to separate paths (1st one person in the middle and on each side are the two paths). the second one would show the positive path by one icon(light/dark grey/blue background). the 3 rd poster will be the same as the 2nd but shows the bad path (dark/shadowy/red background) Centre point will be dark. Film p...
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